Visit to Encombe House

Visit to Encombe House

10th Jun 2022 1pm - 3pm
Greenwich Mean Time
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2022-06-10 13:00:00 2022-06-10 15:00:00 Europe/London Visit to Encombe House Encombe House, Kingston, BH20 5 LW


Resale: DGT Member price
£25.00 + £2.50 fee


DGT Member price
£25.00 + £2.50 fee

Sold Out

Event Details

Date: June 10th

Time: Begins 1.00 pm 

Address: Encombe house,  Kingston, Dorset, BH20 5 LW

By kind permission of Mr and Mrs Gaggero

Cost: for DGT Member: £25  Refreshments included

Please note: We have two events available to book on this day.

About: The historic Encombe House and Estate is nestled within a unique coastal valley in the Purbeck hills. Largely hidden from the surrounding hillsides, the house and garden have developed over the past few hundred years. The main garden to the south of the house includes large sweeping borders filled with grasses and perennials which embrace the Temple. Behind this lies the walled garden, where deep herbaceous beds follow the walls and, in the center, surrounded by a young orchard, is a yew-hedged garden planted around a millstone fountain. Elsewhere, there are woodland walks, wildflower meadows, lakes, a kitchen garden and glasshouse, and wilder areas, all with glimpses of the Jurassic coast. 

The garden and estate have been extensively redeveloped since the current owners bought the estate in 2009. A modern, sympathetic design by Tom Stuart-Smith has been implemented since 2011, with the majority of the hard and soft landscaping being completed in 2012. The extensive borders mix both the modern prairie and the traditional English cottage styles and are underpinned with structural shrub planting. The garden has continued to develop and mature, with a small team responsible for the 65 acres of pleasure and managed grounds. 


Encombe (Kingston – BH20 5LW)

From Corfe, in Kingston on the tight corner by the Scott Arms pub, turn right into the village. Go straight on keeping the church on your left. The entrance to the estate is approximately 300 yards past the church on your left.

From Eastington Farm, turn left in the village by the Scott Arms pub into the village.